Traditional benefit plans leave a significant gap for C-Level executives and other highly compensated employees. This is exactly where Guaranteed Issue programs come in. We review your current disability and life insurance benefits and show you the gaps and the easy way to address them.
The purpose of long-term disability insurance is to cover 60% of income. Group disability plans are inherently flawed as they do not adequately cover executives and other higher income earners. Implementing a Guaranteed Issue Disability Insurance program allows for a combination of group coverage and individual coverage. This is the most cost-efficient way of obtaining comprehensive disability insurance coverage.
The result? Eligible employees receive individual policies that are fully portable, with guaranteed premiums, that are non-cancellable, with no exclusions for past medical issues, and without limitations for the cause of a disability. Many people would never qualify for individual disability insurance without an exclusion. This is the true power and value of Guaranteed Issue Disability Insurance.
What is guaranteed issue disability insurance?
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Why Guaranteed Issue Disability Insurance?
Guaranteed Issue Disability Insurance
Group Disability Insurance
Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
Group Life Insurance
What Every CFO Should Know About Disability Insurance
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