When I bought my first house, I bought life insurance so the mortgage would be able to be paid off in case of an unexpected death. I thought that was the bare minimum and believe everyone did the same. I could not have been more wrong.

In 2013, at the age of 53, my sister became 100% permanently disabled due to a rare form of early onset Alzheimer’s. All she could rely on was social security disability and a small group disability insurance policy from her employer. Because her employer paid for the disability policy, the amount she received from social security disability was deducted from her group disability policy. Her group disability policy also became taxable. In 2024 she passed away after suffering with this horrible disease for almost 11 years. 17 days later I lost my brother to cancer.

A large percentage of Americans do not have any life or disability insurance. Before I narrowed my business to focusing on life and disability insurance, I had nearly 20 clients who were permanently disabled well before age 65. Not one of them had an individual disability policy and just a few had a group disability policy. The rest of them could only rely on social security disability for their income. Many of them did not even know you could buy disability insurance. It has become my passion to help clients understand the need for proper life insurance and disability insurance.

Mike Harrington
Email: mike@lifetimeip.com
Phone: 781-856-5629

Mailing Address: 348 Cambridge Road #296 Woburn, MA 01801