You protect and serve your community, but you haven’t protected what is most important to you. Your family.

Both police officers and firefighters have a significantly lower life expectancy than the general population. Life insurance is a must to protect your family. The simple fact is that waiting will very likely cost you more money. You don’t want to be another person who was declined due to medical reasons.

Life insurance is a simple, cost-effective way of providing a lump sum benefit that can be used to replace the income you would have earned if the unthinkable were to happen.

There is a lot of incorrect information in the public sphere indicating that it is difficult for First Responders to acquire life (and disability) insurance. This is simply not the case.

Knowing that you have the appropriate life insurance coverage can reduce stress for you and your loved ones. Peace of mind may indirectly allow you to focus more on your job, which in itself benefits you and your coworkers.

Working with an independent broker provides you access to the insurance companies that provide the solution that First Responders need to have in place.

Accelerated underwriting for up to 3 million in life insurance coverage. For those eligible, this means the completion of a simple online application is all it takes to secure the coverage you need.
Some insurance companies offer policies with additional benefits for critical or chronic illnesses that provide a tax-free benefit if diagnosed with a critical or chronic illness.
First Responders should own a life insurance policy with conversion privileges to a permanent product that is suitable later in life if it is needed.
Don’t Wait. Take action now. Don’t take your ability to get life insurance while you are healthy for granted. Many people simply wait too long to apply and then realize they no longer qualify due to a medical condition.